There is a template scene for terrain environment in the asset package (both built-in and URP) located here:

If you want to create your own terrain and implement the ground shader here's the important steps to follow:
1. Setup the terrain

Create a new terrain with a 100x100 dimension (works best out of the box rather than the HUGE 1000x1000 default terrain)
Then add the "GroundTerrain01" material or its URP equivalent or your own Ground material

IMPORTANT: You need to add the "BF_GroundTerrain" script to your terrain for it to work properly
After you've set the right shader/material to your terrain get over the paint terrain tool in the terrain inspector:
2. Edit terrain layers

To draw ground on the terrain use the GroundLayer01, the position in the terrain layers arrangement is very important, the first one SHOULD ALWAYS be the ground layer.
To draw tiling on the terrain use the other GroundLayer (02,03), if you don't want/need other ground/tiling layers you can delete them via the "Edit Terrain Layers" button.
If you want to edit the layers to have a new ground/tiling layer you should head over to the corresponding "NewLayerXX" in the asset project:

The first layer which should ALWAYS be a ground layer;
If you want to have a Ground Layer:
Diffuse is the Albedo Texture,
Normal Map is the bump map,
Normal Scale is the normal multiplier,
Mask Map is the displacement map,
Specular is the overall color of the ground,
Metalic should be set to 0,
Size.XY is the Tiling size
If you want to have a Tiling Layer:
Diffuse is the Albedo Texture,
Normal Map is the bump map,
Normal Scale is the normal multiplier,
Mask Map is the Height Map,
Specular is the overall color of the tiling,
Metalic should be set to 1,
Size.XY is the Tiling size
The only difference between a Ground Layer and an Tiling Layer is the Metallic slider.